Last Sunday, 60 Minutes — which still exists, though in a much more diminished form than its investigative heyday — did a segment on Elon Musk and Tesla. It was a mostly benign overview of Tesla’s hard year, complete with a sit-down interview between Lesley Stahl and Musk. The part that caught my attention, and evidently everyone else’s, were some exchanges regarding the SEC action from earlier this year that got Musk removed as chairman of Tesla’s board and required monitoring of his tweets. (Musk was also fined $20 million; Tesla was fined $20 million, too, and required to add two independent directors to the board. Those directors haven’t been announced yet.)
Anyway, Musk says in the interview that no one is approving his tweets and...
Elon Musk doesn’t respect the SEC, which is still investigating Tesla
Reviewed by jenisht
December 14, 2018
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